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Carnaval 2004

This year's carnival was a bit washed out but renewing friendships and making new ones counterbalanced this phenomena. The ever growing friendship between Françoise Vallet and her sister Loulou (the person I photographed the most this year) is worth its weight in gold.. Meeting old friends like Shirley and David Rowen from Beverley Hills was a pleasure and also finding out about their newly created website: www.venetiancarnivalbyrowen.com  and admiring the pictures..

All that remains are the wonderful souvenirs and now I am waiting impatiently for 2005.

I would like to thank Françoise Vallet for putting my photos on her own website: www.mosaicale.com under "ma famille" (my family)  and "mes amis" (my friends Take some time and look at her photos and those of her husband Pierre. You won't regret it.

The extraordinary coulour of the venitian sky.

Venitian sky


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